The Korean Association for Canadian Studies

L’Association Coréenne d’Études Canadiennes


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Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies 29(1) 발간
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  • 2023-07-06 09:07:32



pISSN : 2951-395229권 1호 
(Korean Association for Canadian Studies)
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) is a peer reviewed journal operated by the Korean Association for Canadian Studies (KACS). The Korean Review of Canadian Studies, the predecessor of APJCS, was found by the KACS in 1993 to realize the purposes of its establishment. KACS has contributed to the enhancement of the relationship between Korea and Canada with respect to academic exchanges and expanded the understanding of Canada's humanities, social sciences and natural sciences among Koreans. Especially, the Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies has made every effort to encourage academic exchanges among countries and expanded its coverage of regions from Korea to Asia and then the Pacific coastal countries. This journal plays and will play an important role in the development of Canadian Studies in Asian and the Pacific coastal countries. It has published twice a year in June and December.
·Submission: Online system (http://kacs.kr/online_paper2/index.php) or email (kacs.journal.editor@gmail.com)
Current Issue

PDFJulie Duff Cloutier, Phyllis Montgomery, Jorge Virchez,, & Bruce E Oddson
Self-reported Health and Health Service Use among Canadian Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
PDFLiliana Cordero Marines
Native People in Population Censuses: United States (2020) and Canada (2021)
PDFYves Laberge
La Théorie Queer Appliquée à l’Écriture Lesbienne et Bisexuelle Québécoise: Théorisation, Mutations et Diversification des Rôles Sexués et des Identités queer
PDFRoberto Zepeda & Jorge Virchez
Unions and Labor Standards in Canada: an Analysis by Province and Sector
PDFAmy Shawanda
Pkwenezige (Smudging Ceremony): a First Nation Right to Ceremony
PDFEditorial team
Notes for contributors
한국캐나다학회회원가입문의 : kacs.officer@gmail.com   
논문투고문의: kacs.journal.editor@gmail.com
Copyright ⓒ 한국캐나다학회
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이전글 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies 28(2) (December 31, 2023)
다음글 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies 29(2) 발간