The Korean Association for Canadian Studies
L’Association Coréenne d’Études Canadiennes
한국캐나다학회는 한국에서의 캐나다 관련 연구를 발전시키고 활성화하는 것을 목적으로 하는 학술단체이다. 본 학회는 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위한 일환으로 『캐나다연구』를 연 2회 발간하고 있다. 학회는 본 연구윤리규정을 통하여 학술지『캐나다연구』와 관련하여 저자, 편집위원, 논문 심사위원이 준수해야 하는 연구유리규정을 명시적으로 제시한다. 본 연구윤리규정은 교육부훈령 제 153호, 「연구윤리 확보를 위한 지침」을 따른다.
본 한국캐나다학회의 학술지 「캐나다연구(Asian Journal of Canadian Studies)」에 논문게재를 신청하고자 하는 분은 다음의 투고 및 원고 작성 요령을 유념하여 기고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
구분 | 참고문헌 작성 예 |
국내 논문 | 홍길동. (1999). 지방재정 발전에 관한 연구. 『한국지방재정논집』, 4(1), 207-223. |
국내 단행본 | 김동건. (1996). 『현대재정학』. 서울: 박영사. |
외국 논문 | Grossman, Peter. (1990). The Impact of Federal and State Grants on Local Government Spending: A Test of the Fiscal Illusion Hypothesis. Public Finance Quarterly. 18 (3), 313-327. |
외국 단행본 | Hepworth, Norman. (1993). The Finance of Local Government, 6th ed. Boston: George Allen & Unwin. |
구분 | 편집규정 | |||
편집용지 (A4) |
위쪽 | 25 | 오른쪽 | 33 |
아래쪽 | 50 | 머리말 | 15 | |
제본 | 0 | 꼬리말 | 0 | |
왼쪽 | 33 | 용지방향 | 좁게 | |
문단모양 | 정렬방식 | 양쪽 혼합 | 낱말간격 | 0 |
왼쪽여백 | 0 | 줄간격 | 170 | |
오른쪽여백 | 0 | 본문글자크기 | 11 | |
문단위 | 0 | 첫째줄 들여쓰기 | 2 | |
문단아래 | 0 | 각주 참고문헌 | 130 |
심사자1 | 심사자2 | 종합 판정 |
게재가 | 게재가 | 게재가 |
게재가 | 수정 후 게재가 | |
게재가 | 수정 후 재심 | 수정 후 게재가 |
수정 후 게재가 | 수정 후 게재가 | |
수정 후 게재가 | 수정 후 재심 | |
게재가 | 게재 불가 | 수정 후 재심 |
수정 후 게재가 | 게재 불가 | |
수정 후 재심 | 수정 후 재심 | |
수정 후 재심 | 게재 불가 | |
게재 불가 | 게재 불가 | 게재 불가 |
The Korean Association for Canadian Studies is an academic organization that aims to develop and revitalize Canadian studies in Korea. The Society publishes the Asian Journal of Canadian Studies twice a year as part of this aim. As part of its research ethics, the Association explicitly proposes the research rules that authors, editorial committee members, and paper judges must observe in relation to the journal Asian Journal of Canadian Studies. This research ethical regulation follows Ministry of Education Ordinance No. 153, Guideline for Securing Research Ethics.
A paper submission for publication in The Asian Journal of Canadian Studies requires submitters to observe the following regulations.
The Asian Journal of Canadian Studies invites scholarly submissions that will contribute to the journal’s aim of providing a forum for disseminating information and research on Canada in all disciplines. Published twice yearly (July and December), the AJCS is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the analysis and discussion of all aspects of Canadian society: political, economic, cultural, and social. The Journal welcomes contributions from established as well as younger scholars, and we seek to publish articles from across the social sciences and humanities. The Journal will also entertain proposals for Special Thematic Issues, jointly vesting the nomination of potential contributors with the Guest Editors. These proposals should clearly explain how the topic or theme fits with the aim of the AJCS. Responsibilities for reviewing manuscripts and making final editorial decisions remain with the journal’s editorial board.
Manuscripts may be in the form of articles (approximately 5,000-8,000 words), review essays or commentaries (3,000 words), or book reviews (1,000 words). Articles that are submitted must be original and should not be simultaneously under consideration - either in whole or in part - for publication elsewhere. Authors are requested to submit an electronic version (as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word) to: David B. Kim, Managing Editor, Asian Journal of Canadian Studies, at canadianstudies@korea.ac.kr
All manuscripts accepted for consideration by Asian Journal of Canadian Studies (AJCS) are sent out anonymously to readers for evaluation. To protect anonymity, only the title should appear on the manuscript and all possible identifying information should be excluded from the body of the text. Attach a cover page with the title of the manuscript, and the name, affiliation and address of the author(s). The review process can take up to two months.
Please follow these guidelines when you prepare your manuscript for submission. Manuscripts which do not conform to these guidelines will not be reviewed.
◆ Submission of thesis in 2018 (online):
Editor-in-chief: Duck-Yull Suh (Hanyang University)
Email: kacs.journal.editor@gmail.com